Monday, July 8, 2013

art, writings poetry, songs

NEW ebook publishing for prisoners.
    "WHAT PRISON TEACHES" by Harlan Richards
available at

              Harlan  has blog with us: Case for Parole, and is also on Between the Bars Blogging

DarRen Morris #236425;
CCI; PO Box 900
Portage, WI 53901
Darren Morris, waived into adult court at aged 17, was mentally ill and has made great strides 
in overcoming his illness. See more of his work, read his story;
Add caption

Tommy Silverstein  2-13-030-L 14634-116;
                                                              USP Max ;Box 8500; Florence, CO 81226

Tommy Silverstein is a most famous prisoner because he has been one of the most isolated.
He stabbed a guard while in prison. He still works on getting into general population, hoping
 someday the authorities will see he is not the man he used to be, that people do change. See his
incredble art below  and in blogs linked.

Tommy Silverstein


View blog Meet Your Prisoners-a real potpourri

LaRon McKinley 42642; WCI


  Its not that I don’t trust to write you a bio about me. 
   Its just that I don’t like ( not ashamed, just not comfortable 
with)my past. I am tired of being judged by it. Every day or 
every hearing I have ,every opportunity, every reminder that 
someone in a Doc suit acts toward me that I am too dangerous
 to  sit out in a lawn chair with them or their family, or with
 anyone, and drink a soda or watch a sports event. They are
 rubbing my past in my face. And so I am tired of it, tired of 
being reminded of it or thinking of it as I already have a
 trillion times as it is what has reaped me this dismal existence.
            My artwork shows the beauty at which my mind’s eye gages
 and judges and I want others to see what I see and feel in their 
subjects and judge me on that measure.

Blog of Diverse works by prisoners 

Ron schillikng

Ron Schilling has two blogs.  He is a musician-
a guitarist and  fine singer and we invite you to listen to him
 on utube:Utube link:

 Free Ron Schilling:describes his ordeal with the prison
 system which gives a excellent primer on the parole fiasco

  Ron Schilling#32219;
KMCI;PO Box 282; Plymouth, WI 53703-0282

Ron Schilling essays;
Charles Anderson
PO Box 800, Mauston, WI 53948

    Tony Merriweather at arrest
Tony Merriweather, fine artist, litigator who helps others(above)
Many inmates have no access to colors, they are given only a pen nib. Tony did these while he was in seg, using some

 creativity to get color into his pictures. this pictures were included in letters
new address:
PO Box 925; Red Granite, WI 54970
He now spends most of his time helping other inmates with their law cases.

 Marteze Harris essays, another man who has changed much since he committed his crime. Here he
 shares his story and ideas
Marteze Harris
.Marteze Harris #161543
NLCI, PO Box 4000
New Lisbon, WI 53950
Marteze Harris, introduces himself and begins his blog
Tyrone Munson#356817
WCI, PO Box 351; Waupun, WI 53963
Tyrone Munson
Congratulation,you graduated,but no one will call your name.No,there will be no role call,no acceptance speech!You did not finish school or make the deans list. There was no diploma, you just simply graduated. Sad,, no mother,no father,no brother,no sister. No one to cheer your name. What for? No one came to honor you, "CONGRATULATIONS, for your GRADUATION"!

"Who do you think you are to receive such a prestigious award? You only survived a household of trama. There is no blue ribbon because your father left you at an early age. You don't get a courageous of the year trophy because you survived the family secret and your mother's shame. That at the hands of someone you trusted. They, did awful things to you."Ha" you think it noble ,there is no B.A. there is no master's degree.

For your degree's are third degree burns ,that runs from your face to your torso. From hot grease being thrown on you because your mother says every time she looks at you, she see's your father. A mathematician, never saw that in your future, and besides that you are too dumb for  that, at least this is what everyone is telling you. You want to be a mathematician? Well solve this problem, One mother on crack. Plus a father who is not even a part of your life, which really is a minus, divided by drugs alcohol, dropping out of school. Equals committing a crime, ending up in prison or dead.

Yeah "CONGRATULATIONS" as you look into the mirror ,and you have come to hate him that stares back at you. Because now you believe everything people said about you. No you should not have low self esteem. Suck it up! didn't they tell you real men don't suppose to cry. But this boy who is only 11 years old says to himself I am not a man. But he is indeed a man ,but the only thing he can remember was when he was this boy. Now at 30,he is still stuck at 11.CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR GRADUATION.

For this time you have made a stand ,from being  powerless ,to being powerful. You are honored for your silent courage. You are praised for your  resilience .Not backing down from when life smacked you around. CONGRATULATIONS. Because you GRADUATED ,from a school that had no dreams. The teachers have all failed you, but you passed .Not because of some book that told you this, or you felt that you needed validation from someone else. Or some paper acknowledging mere accomplishments don’t even seem to suffice.
No "CONGRATULATIONS you GRADUATED". Because you choose not to stay in a box ,you did not make excuses.You choose not to allow your past ,to say who you are in your present .So I think that I should CONGRATULATE you on your GRADUATION. There is no need for a cap & gown, be proud of who you've become. Hold your head up and stand tall ,smile for the camera. You made it. not how other's think you should have, but you made it......

 Essays by Quentin Ward:(below)
a thoughtful man who has endured much. He again, Like so many older prisoners, turns his attention
to trying to guide the young.

Juan Ward 275760
GBCI, PO Box 19033
Green Bay, WI 54307
Quentin Ward
below essays on his blog
·         conditions of freedom

Manuel Williams 303943
WCI PO Box 351, Waupun, WI53963
just got out of segregation after many years in isolation, doing well.

Standing Bear, philosopher, poet, Native American and Black,  Standing Bear is a leader in the prison, teaching guitar, holding
 sweatlodges and generally guiding younger prisoners.

Standing Bear: Frederick Spence #132827
SCI 100 Corrections Drive
Stanley, WI 54768

Jerry Price 171022

Macomb Correctional Facility;34625 26 Mile Rd;

 New Haven, MI 480048

Lorenzo Balli, in seg, ,mentally ill and so wise. Like many people entombed in our prisons, he would probably be a real help to us if he were out here and much of his mental illness is induced or enhanced by his inhumane conditions. 
Lorenzo Balli 238265
GBCI; PO Box 19033
Green Bay, WI 554307
Lorenzo Balli

Lene Cespedes Torres, artists, stranded from Cuba;(below)

Lene was waived into adult court as a juvenile , a youth recently immigrating to this country from
Cuba. He still maintains he is innocent of the murder he was convicted of and has long been ready
 for Parole.
Lene Cespedes Torres #122605
NLCI, PO Box4000

New Lisbon, WI 54307

Unique Flower
It was a small shoot, just a tiny seed that grows inside her mother's womb. Now a little bud whose petals are daily growing. Unique in your DNA, part is mine and part your mother's. Your finer and more precious than any of the flowers, that my garden ever grew. She is part of my heart already, may she grow up moral and upright. My hope is that my little flower will be a scholar with chances to succeed. By now you know my flower is my daughter, my pride and joy she'll be. No father could be prouder of this life that soon will be.
I only knew her a short while, before I went away. Hoping to someday give to her, a better life than I could if I did stay.
I got the news she passed away, so tragic was her death. Quietly I mourn her loss, each and every day. In my heart she'll live on, my little flower, unique in so many ways. When I'm laid to rest, I want to be laid next to her grave. In life my little girl and I were sadly separated, in death we will be happily reunited, together once again.
Lene Cespedes-Torres

Christopher Kopaczewski 178378(below)
GBCI PO Box 19033
Green Bay, WI

Robert Jordan 15893 SCI (68)(art work below)

Matthew Hoffman 133706 OCI

Matthew Hoffman

Shannon Griffith 165268 Saginaw Corr Facility; 9625 Pierce Rd; Freeland, MI 48623
shannon griffith

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October 22, 2024

  Check out ew blog -under construction: FFUP has been under siege and we are finally finding our way forward. The...