Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Waupun Lockdown

Less than a week after the brutal lockdown at CCI was officially lifted (though modified movement and a number of other restrictions remain), another Wisconsin prison has gone on lockdown after a violent incident.

All we've heard so far is that a guard was stabbed on Christmas Eve. We will be investigating.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Update on retaliation against Ron Schroeder for his legal work

An incarcerated friend of Ron Schroeder sent us this update about the obstruction and retaliation staff at Oshkosh Correctional Institution (OSCI) are putting him through because he's filed lawsuits against the DOC.

This and other letters we've received suggests a larger pattern of DOC staff routinely covering for themselves by preventing incarcerated people from accessing their legal work in a timely manner.

To support Ron's fight against retaliation and obstruction, please contact DAI Administrator Makda Fessahaye: Makda.Fessehaye@Wisconsin.gov Details and suggested email below.

We are seeking legal help with this and many other issues. FFUP has no funds to pay a lawyer, but we are in contact with skilled incarcerated litigators who are diligent about preparing cases and complaints in accordance with the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA).

Lawyers who are willing and able to take on civil cases for incarcerated people in Wisconsin should please contact Peg Swan at pgswan3@aol.com.

Ron's story:

It's said awareness is the first step in creating change. Here's a timeline of recent events regarding Ron Schroeder and his lawsuit regarding his wrongful termination from the library.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Group Sexual Assault by Staff at WSPF

Sean Young is on hunger strike after being sexually assaulted by a group of staff members at WSPF. 
You can write to Sean Young here:

Sean Young
PO BOX 1000
Boscobel WI 53805-0900
You can also call the Warden to check on his hunger strike and state of mind at 608-375-5656. Please comment if you hear any news.

Sean has requested that FFUP share his story with the media and the public. Below is an email we sent to the head of DAI and the DOC Communications Director. Below that is a list of staff involved and an excerpt from his letter to FFUP.

Hello Makda and Molly,

Staff at WSPF sexually assaulted a man named Sean Young (ID 505480) on December 4.

Mr Young is on hunger strike.

After requests to speak with Dr Hoem about his emotional response to news of death in the family were ignored for 12 hours  Mr Young self harmed by hitting his head on the cell door. He voluntarily moved to a strip cage. Before he could enter the strip cage, staff cut his clothes off, fondled his genitalia and spread his butt cheeks. They made lewd comments. Other staff, including women, watched.

On Dec 5 he reported the incident to PREA, but he hasn't heard from them as of Dec 8. We have seen a number of these types of incidents be ignored by PREA investigators.

Please look into this incident, make sure the PREA investigation is meaningfully administered and check on Mr Young's hunger strike and well being.

Thank you

Ben Turk

Staff involved:
- Captain Brinkman was the first to ignore Sean's request for Dr Hoem on evening of Dec 3.
- CO Fishnick, CO Finnell, and Sgt Tierney ignored his requests the next morning.
- Lt Scullion, and social worker Dickman spoke with Sean that morning, but failed to bring mental health staff.
- COs Wiegel, Gallinger and Fedie cut his clothes off without giving him an opportunity to voluntarily remove them. They held him down while Wiegel fondled his genitals and spread his butt cheeks, making lewd comments while they did it.
- Lt Scullion gave the order for Sean to be assaulted.
- COs Funk, Finnell, Fishnick and Tierney and unit manager Brown stood around watching the assault without intervening.
- Finnell and Fishnick are women and Sean felt especially humiliated to have them witness this assault. 
FROM LETTER BY Sean Young 505480 WSPF/12 8 19
I’m a convict currently housed at WSPF and while her ( since Jan 2016) I’ve endured so much pain and suffering (physically and
mentally that is) this letter is a cry out to you for immediate help before I die or before I’m killed. Since Dec 2, 2019 I’ve been on
a hunger strike and liquid strike .Also I was recently sexually assaulted by staff at WSPF please allow me to explain what
On Dec 3, 2019 I received some bad news about a death in the family) while on the phone with my youngest daughter.
Immediately after I got off the phone with her I asked the 2 nd shift sergeant to speak with a wh shirt –and i spoke to Capt
Brinkman about the matter. ON Dec 4 , 2019 At approximately 6 15 a.m. I called up to the sergeant’s station and spoke To C/o
Fishnick who informed me Sgr terney ( who was the first shift Sergeant at the time) wasn’t in the cage at the time. I asked her to
please tell sgt Tierney I’d like to speak to him about something important before he goes back to the cage-I let her know it was
about a death in my family. At approx 6:40 am I heard Sgt Tierney announce breakfast over the cell speaker , I called up to the
sergeant station and asked sgt Tierney did c/o Fishnick tell him I’d like to speak with him? He said yes but he had other
important things to take care of and he would get to me whenever he could. I told him about the death in my family and that I’d
like to speak with PSU-Dr Hoem because I’m in a pretty bad state of mind at the present time. He told me he would see what he
could do>When C/o Finnel l brought me my breakfast I help the trap.. Shortly thereafter sgt Tierney came to my cell A320 But I
refused to speak with him , Thereafter Lt Scullion and social worker Dickman came to my cell an talked to me- I told them both
about the phone call I had with my youngest daughter the previous night and I’d like to speak with Dr Hoem ASAP.
Shortly thereafter I committed self harm by banging my forehead on the cell door. Voluntarily I was removed from my cell and
escorted to a strip cage in the main corridor by range 4. Once there I was tethered to the strip cage door and told to kneel to get
the leg irons removed- and when I did so, c/o Wiegel began to pull/cut my clothes off me ( before even allowing me the
opportunity to go into the strip cage), while c/os S Gallinger and Fedie held me down c/o Wiegel then preceded to fondle my
genitalia area and spread my butt cheeks and peered in between them. Also while he was cutting my t-shirt off me he made a
lewd comment about how sharp the new scissor are as they grazed the top right part of my buttlocks. During the time of the
sexual assault LT Scullion ( he gave the order for me to be sexually assaulted)c/o K Finnel Unit manager Brown C/o FIshnick and
Sgt Tierney ( he was in the sergeant’s cage) all stood by and watched it occur instead of intervening to stop it. I felt so humiliated
because i was sexually assaulted in front of two females, C’os Finnell And M Fishnick. M Swan none of the nine staff members at
WSPF who played a part of me being sexually assaulted followed policy, procedure and protocol that awful day. n Dec 5 3029 at
Approx 7 pm I called PREA and reported the sexual assault to me by staff at WSPF to sate I’ve yet to hear form them concerning
the incident. I hope to hear from them soon.
Long list of people to contact in WSPF, Madison and media, lawyers etc- of note- asks me to callHSU manager Jaimie Adams (
only ask her about my health since I’ve been on hunger strike and liquid strike and since I sustained the severs forehead and
facial injuries on Dec 4 th .

Friday, December 13, 2019

CCI Lockdown update: retaliation, negligence, FIRE Warden Novak .

Since our last update on the CCI lockdown, we have: 
We continue to get more information and are moving to action. Please join us in calling for the termination of Warden Susan Novak, who is ultimately responsible for running the prison and has put everyone there at risk with bad policies, malice and deliberate indifference. 

Expanding retaliation 

A guard told one of our contacts that more than 50 people have been given tickets for insulting Warden Susan Novak. This contact was sent to the hole for discipline during the lockdown. He said: "Until yesterday I assumed I was the only one sent to the hole but I learned there were 6. All Black of course !!!!!"
In addition to the intercepted email and Conduct Report issued to Nate Lindell mentioned on a previous post, another organizer William Ledford has had an email about the lockdown intercepted because it "posed a threat to the security, orderly operation, discipline or safety of the institution." He filed an appeal and sent us a copy snailmail, including a transcription of the email. There's absolutely nothing in his message that constitutes a threat, just information about the lockdown and a request that the information get to the media and to Makda Fessahaye, the head of the Division of Adult Institutions (DAI). 

Hunger strike and possible second lockdown-related death

One of the letters we received mentioned a hunger strike by Odell Miller (ID#537774). The writer didn't say what Odell's demands were, but said he's 30 years old and has been hunger striking for nearly two months. 
Earlier this week an FFUP newsletter was returned unopened from CCI with "convict dead" written across the top of it. The person it had been sent to is no longer in the DOC database (which is what they do when someone dies, making it harder for the public to know what happened). It seems likely this person died at CCI during the lockdown, likely do to medical neglect. He was around 60 years old and had been locked up a while. 

We are trying to find out when and how he died, and to contact his next of kin, but the DOC is very reticent to release information about the people they kill.

Response from DAI 

On December 12, Makda Fessahaye replied to a December 4 email from FFUP about Mr Bracey's death (though at that time, we didn't know it was him or have details). She said his death is being investigated and emphasized a list of positive things or lefted restrictions that "did occur during this time." Some of the things she listed contradict reports from our friends in CCI, so we will check on them before sharing them.

Fessahaye's message ended with the following assurances:
The DOC is committed to working with law enforcement on their investigations and returning CCI to normal movement as soon as possible while maintaining the safety of those in our care and our staff.

Our staff share your passion for the safety and security of those in our custody. We encourage all of the people in our care to report any acts of misconduct through our inmate complaint process. Every inmate complete is investigated.

The Department of Corrections is committed to maintaining an environment free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Any individuals who are found to have violated work rules will be held accountable.
We have concerns about these statements. First, it sounds like up to 50 people are being retaliated against for complaining. If Ms Fessahaye really wants to encourage people to file complaints, she needs to stop Warden Novak from retaliating against people for filing them.

Second, if the complaints investigations are being done by investigation supervisor Captain Pigeon, then there's no reason to have faith in them. Captain Pigeon has already obstructed sheriff's investigation by as reported by William Ledford here.

Third, there's a long history absent accountability for staff at CCI. If Fessahaye's assurance that people who violated work rules or engaged in discrimination, harassment and retaliation was acted on, many staff at CCI would face discipline or firing. The DOC considers CCI understaffed despite having a 1:3 staff to captive ratio, and staff are already threatening a mass walk-out over the people who took action to defend themselves against staff abuse, discrimination and harassment. It would be unreasonably optimistic to think that the DOC will hold their staff accountable on their own. We must demand it.

Demand Warden Susan Novak's termination

There are a number of staff problems at Columbia Correctional Institution, but the person ultimately responsible for conditions is Warden Susan Novak. A number of people who've written us say that she either originates the issues, or tolerates, allows and covers for staff abuse and neglect.

FFUP is joining in the calls from people held at CCI for Warden Novak's termination. We've organized a call-in event for Monday targeting Ms Fessahaye's office and demanding Novak be replaced. Please join this event, share it with friends, call in yourself and demonstrate that abuse, racism, retaliation, and killing people through medical neglect will not be tolerated in Wisconsin.

Warden Delaying Flu shots at CCI

Columbia Correctional Warden Susan Novak delayed flu vaccine to people at high risk. As of Dec 8, people, including aged people, diabetics and others with compromised immune systems had not received the flu shot they typically get in September. There was a vaccine shortage this year, but prisons are incubators for viruses because they confine many people in close quarters with low quality medical care and nutrition. If public safety was a genuine concern, distribution to prisons would be a priority, especially to high-risk people.

Even worse, it seems the facility had the vaccine by November 24 but did not administer it by orders of Warden Novak. Below is a transcription of William Ledford's letter detailing the situation.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Makda Fessahaye response to lockdown concerns

On December 12, Makda Fessahaye sent this response to our emails and calls about conditions at CCI and especially the death of Muhhamad Bracey.

"Thank you for contacting us regarding your concerns about the unexpected death at Columbia Correctional Institution (CCI) on December 3, 2019.

The investigation into this man’s death has been referred to the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office and Medical Examiner, as is our standard practice. The DOC also conducts an internal review whenever someone in our care passes away. Both of these investigations are ongoing. Due to privacy laws and the ongoing nature of these investigations, we cannot provide any further information at this time.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Muhammad (Larry) Bracey, killed by medical neglect during Columbia Correctional lockdown. Rest in Power!

Larry Bracey as a young man, from FFUP archives.
Today we received news that the man who was killed by medical neglect at Columbia Correctional was an old friend and organizer named Muhammad (state name Larry) Bracey.

Bracey fought hard against conditions in Wisconsin prisons, which is why he spent years in solitary confinement. The biggest tragedy is that he died during  the 29th year of his 30 year sentence. This freedom fighter was about to be released.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Updates on CCI lockdown from Nate Lindell and William Ledford

Letters from Nate Lindell and William Ledford. Both have reported trying to send more detailed accounts of the lockdown, but had their emails intercepted. Nate received two conduct reports for “disrespect” in direct retaliation for writing to us about the lockdown.


  • the lockdown continues and may go on until Jan 1.
  • A man in RHU died due to medical neglect on December 3.
  • Abuse continues, including restraints on disabled people.  
  • The investigation supervisor refused to let Ledford have a private conversation with a County Sheriff who came to investigate.  
  • Sgt Sansbury received a serious head injury and has retired with disability benefits.   
  • The administration is building a “bubble” around the area Sansbury was working to prevent incidents occurring again.
  • Guards are threatening to walk off the job, though this doesn’t seem to be an AFSCME-led action.   

Nate's first letter:

We're on lockdown, again, as the CO/Sgt "Sains-berry" (spelled phonetically) was "pushed," on Friday 8 Nov. 2019. Sains-berry is notoriously foul mouthed, yells at prisoners, follows them around to make sure their shirts are tucked in; i saw him stare at a prisoner insultingly/aggressively, with contempt, for over a minute, as I waited to see Dr. Dixon-Bauers (a psychologist). The guy's loud about how he's going to retire in some months, seems like he wants to leave w/disability benefits. EVERYONE has a story about how he insulted or harassed them.


Links to sources for Torture in Wisconsin Prisons
pg 4) 1994 Full memo Governor Thompson  to DOC Secretary Sullivan which had the effect of slowing paroles to a   trickle: https://casesprison.files.wordpress.com/2020/01/a-thompson-sullivan-94-memo-2.pdf
pg8)   CAT(Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment)
Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 39/46 of 10 December 1984,entry into force 26 June 1987

pg 9) UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners .The (SMRs) were initially adopted by the
UN Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders in 1955, and approved by the UN Economic and Social Council in 1957. Revised as Mendela rules in 2015
       Here are original 122 Rules of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners which were revised by the UN in 2015.We include a summary of those rules done by a non profit stationed in the Netherlands:Applying the Nelson Mandela Rules from admission to release(8pages)

 COLORADO BANS SOLITARY OVER 15 DAYS :Colorado bans solitary confinement for longer than 15 days /Denver press  10 12 17 (2 pages)
pg 10) In his October 2016 final report on solitary, Special  Rapporteur Juan Mendez: ) Juan Mendez, Special    
Rappoteur of the Human Rights Council on Torture and other Cruel, inhuman or degrading Treatment (CAT) , called on the International community to, among other things,  impose absolute prohibition on solitary confinement exceeding 15 consecutive days.( 3pages)

  In November 2017 , Standford  University came out with a report on how prisoners who endured long term solitary  were  doing after release. It sites the devastating effects solitary confinement has on anyone- whether they go into prison mentally ill or not. The realization that long term solitary confinement  actually causes mentally illness and a diminished capacity for success AFTER release is also  growing in this country:  

Long term solitary for anyone blasted by Supreme Court Justice Kennedy :
Justice Kennedy states that prolonged solitary confinement  is a violation of human dignity and is unconstitutional, not only when applied to people who are particularly vulnerable or sympathetic, but to everyone.( 2 pages) https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/8justice-kennedy-denounces-solitary-confinment.pdf

  Testimony of Former WI DOC Secretary after his night in solitary: Rick Raemisch former secretary of WI DOC , writes of his night in solitary (2 pages) https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/6raemisch-my-night-in-solitary-2014.pdf

pg14) Administrative Confinement rules changed at opening of Boscobel Supermax-
          before and after  compared: 

pg 15) Administrative Confinement- Administrative Confinement in
           links to articles done by the WI Journal for Investigative Journalism :
1)    sum: LaRon McKinley talks about what it is like being 27 plus years in solitary interview during hunger strike/http://wisconsinwatch.org/2017/04/nearly-30-years-in-isolation-an-inmate-reflects-on-time-in-solitary/)
         this has photos of his escape attempt and early history.

2) Wisconsin watch hunger strike articles ( 2016)this gives full view of hunger strike

pg16)  EXPERT REPORTS FROM CA LAWSUIT AGAiNST Overuse and abuse of solitary-ASKER VS BROWN
Our collective learning of the effects of long term solitary was advanced a great deal with the expert reports in the solitary confinement suit that ended CA overuse in Asker V. Brown: http://ccrjustice.org/expert-reports-ashker-v-brown
pg 17) rules that if broken, sends you to Disciplinary Segregation.(DOC 303.65 through 303.90) 
pg19) Wisconsin prison officials quietly changed mental health status of inmates in solitary, psychologist says” by Center for Investigative Journalism

pg 21) From the United Nations Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners, Adopted
            and proclaimed by General Assembly, resolution 45/111 of December 14, 1990:
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT)
Nelson Mandela Rules
the Nelson Mandela Rules,122 Rules of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners , were   revised by the UN in 2015. https://www.penalreform.org/issues/prison-conditions/standard-minimum-rules/

We include a summary of those rules done by a non profit stationed in the Netherlands
Applying the Nelson Mandela Rules from admission to release (8 pages) https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/10nelson-mandela-rules-summed.pdf

WI Center for Investigative Journalism did a series of articles an alleged guard abuse in 2014. The guards who were named in most of the complaints are now heading the solitary in WCI
links to articles on Center’s Website:

    Then the Madison Central office of the Department of Corrections enacted several new policies call DAI Policies which were aimed at remedying the violations of the 8th amendment against cruel and unusual treatment . These new policies, also, are largely ignored and not enforced. TWO EXAMPLEs:

pg 35) the Employment and Training Institute of the university of WI – Milwaukee found that WI has
          the highest incarceration rate of Black men ages 18 to 64 in the nation

pg37 model  for Men’s Prisons? mental health treatment center in Fondu Lac WI..  home of Women’s
          prison TCI ( Taychedah Correctional Institution)
1)Power Point Close look at the mental health treatment center built for TCI, the women’s prison, as part of the lawsuit: Flynn Vs Doyle,06-C-0537. (11 pages) https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/3what-doesnt-kill-you-makes-you-stronger.pdf
2)WORD transcription of powerpoint report on Mental health Center at TCI

Reduce Prison population safely
1)FFUP submitted parole guidelines and rules proposals that would reduce the population of release ready OL law prisoners safely and effectively. The guideline would need no legislation:
2)EBR, Evidence-Based Response to Violations can help end revocations without felonies: (effective 10/03/16): https://casesprison.files.wordpress.com/2020/01/ebr-and-revocations.pdf- these are guideline now and are mostly not followed

                                            Miscellaneous- pdf forms of some essays here:

2 essay by AC prisoner Norman Green ( Ras AtumRa Uhuru Mutawakill) 228971, CCI ( WI prisoner serving the most solitary time )
             description of solitary in WI: https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/uhuru-burning-souls.pdfhttps://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/uhuru-burning-souls.pdf

Rick Raemisch former secretary of WI DOC , writes of his night in solitary (2 pages) https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/6raemisch-my-night-in-solitary-2014.pdf

miscellaneous news and magazine articles on solitary

Opening the DOOR: What Will It Take to End Long-Term Solitary Confinement in America’s Prisons? Colorado Could Be the First to Find Out.2016 solitary Watch on Colorado’ s new way, led by former WI DOC Secretary,Rick Raemisch on web:https://solitarywatch.org/2016/04/29/opening-the-door/

ANNALS OF HUMAN RIGHTSHELLHOLEThe United States holds tens of thousands of inmates in long-term solitary confinement. Is this torture?

byAtul GawandeMARCH 30, 2009


On March 13, 2015, CCR and co-counsel submitted 10 reports in Ashker v. Brown, our federal class action lawsuit on behalf of prisoners held in the Security Housing Unit (SHU) at California’s Pelican Bay State Prison who have spent a decade or more in solitary confinement. The reports were authored by experts in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, medicine, prison classification, prison security, international law, and international corrections. Together, these reports provide an unprecedented and holistic analysis of the impact of prolonged solitary confinement, and document severe physical and psychological harm among California SHU prisoners as a result of their isolation.

According to the experts, prisoners subjected to prolonged solitary experience a form of “social death” that is not cured upon release, but rather lingers as a “post-SHU syndrome” characterized by social withdrawal, isolation, and anxiety. The profound impact of solitary is not just psychological; plaintiffs' experts also uncovered evidence that SHU prisoners experience unusually heightened levels of hypertension, placing them at risk for serious health consequences. The international and domestic experts agree that such prolonged isolation is not only unnecessary for prison security, but actually counter-productive, as well as a violation of international law.

Finally, plaintiffs’ experts demonstrate that social interaction and physical touch are basic and fundamental human needs, the deprivation of which has serious and irreversible impacts. These reports provide valuable new evidence for prisoners and advocates fighting to end solitary confinement across the country. For more more information on the case, see Ashker v. Brown.

The bigger picture


https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/ghettopression-by-mustafa-el.pdf https://casesprison.files.wordpress.com/2019/09/chart-rev-over-half-admissions.jpg


Wisconsin prison officials quietly changed mental health status of inmates in solitary, psychologist says” by Center for Investigative Journalism https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/2wi-watch-boivin-article.pdf
Power Point Close look at the mental health treatment center built for TCI, the women’s prison, as part of the lawsuit: Flynn Vs Doyle,06-C-0537. (11 pages) https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/3what-doesnt-kill-you-makes-you-stronger.pdf
 Common Ground” an essay by AC prisoner Norman Green 228971, CCI ( 2 pages) https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/5common-ground-by-uhuru.pdf
Rick Raemisch former secretary of WI DOC , writes of his night in solitary (2 pages) https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/6raemisch-my-night-in-solitary-2014.pdf
 Colorado bans solitary confinement for longer than 15 days /Denver press 10 12 17 (2 pages) https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/7colorado-bans-solitary-confinement-for-longer-than-15-days.pdf
Justice Kennedy states that prolonged solitary confinement  is a violation of human dignity and is unconstitutional, not only when applied to people who are particularly vulnerable or sympathetic, but to everyone.( 2 pages)
Juan Mendez, Special Rappoteur of the Human Rights Council on Torture and other Cruel, inhuman or degrading Treatment (CAT) , called on the International community to, among other things,  impose absolute prohibition on solitary confinement exceeding 15 consecutive days.( 3pages) https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/9special-rapporteur-two-reports-on-solitary.pdf 
WI Center for Investigative Journalism did a series of articles an alleged guard abuse in 2014. The guards who were named in most of the complaints are now heading the solitary in WCI
links to articles on Center’s Website:

the Nelson Mandela Rules,122 Rules of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners , were   revised by the UN in 2015. We include a summary of those rules done by a non profit stationed in the Netherlands
Applying the Nelson Mandela Rules from admission to release (8 pages) https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/10nelson-mandela-rules-summed.pdf

October 22, 2024

  Check out ew blog -under construction: www.ourprisonersspeak.org FFUP has been under siege and we are finally finding our way forward. The...