WISH list
intro: Although
FFUP does have allies and friends throughout the state, right now FFUP is Prisoners
and one old lady , me, who for 18 some years has been writing to and advocating
for prisoners. FFUP’s mission is to not
only help the prisoner get through his or her incarceration ordeal with psyche
intact, but to be a voice for the prisoner. Therefore In this auspicious time, I am compelled to
make an effort to relay some of the basic unmet needs of the prisoners in hope
that these will be considered as we go forward.
are suggestions and needs intertwine. On
the suggestions I tried to point out stuff that can be at least started now
without legislative approval. I do believe that going ahead with the learning
and gathering is important – the rest
will come if the ground work is solid. This is no attempt at anything complete
here- in my view the WI DOC is completely corrupted and only with a firm reinstating
of mission and enforcing of that
reinstatement with supportive actions can
the sadism that has taken over the system be eliminated.
and an ex prisoner on Governors transition team and Designate a person on the
Governors staff who will read and consider seriously prisoners letters
throughout his term. Wisconsin prisons are filled with fine litigators, people
who have taught themselves the law in order to survive. These people know what
needs to be done to make the system safe and humane – to make it a healing place.
FFUP has worked with these prisoners and our proposals are generally the product
of months of back and forth letters between litigators and me. Read prisoners letters and open a channel to
the litigators and you will have a working effective system that heals.
2) The governor can
start a statewide discussion of who we have in prison and why. Also should be
discussed how to help a person in trouble and why we have no effective alternatives
to prison for the very troubled.
This discussion should be held in
schools and places of gathering. Discussion tools can be provided by prison
reform groups already doing their best at this task- with leadership from the
governor, this could take off.
a)Included should be discussions
on how we can help troubled people in our midst and why we isolate them. Also a discussion of the roll of prisons as the dumping ground for the
poor and mentally ill and why we provide no alternatives to desperate families
b)Discussed should discuss WI
unique place as the worst city to be a Black man in ( largest percentage of Blacks per capita in the nation, lowest
reading and math scores for many straight years, And thirdly, Milwaukee has
been deemed the most
segregated city etc),
c) basically the discussion
should aim to spark a notional discussion that humanizes those in prison and takes away
the hysteria that blinds people to the real engine behind all the prisons (
money) .
6) Grants needed : Bussing for families to prisons: 2 van services ready, grant needed for coordinator,
and a fund to help pay for families who cannot afford fare. We have been told by 2 van owners that fares will be reduced if vans are filled and that will be coordinators main job
and a fund to help pay for families who cannot afford fare. We have been told by 2 van owners that fares will be reduced if vans are filled and that will be coordinators main job
POPS: A program for securing placement and support of soon to be release prisoners patterned aftet the POPS program in CA.
- one paid coordinator, rest volunteers, and funding for materials/Volunteers line up supports for prisoners, help them in transition, find mentors while in prison- probably good to have someone funded who works at Project Return or with EXPO- should be an ex-prisoner. ALL old law prisoners would be eligible for program, and TIS as they come up for release. /could possibly be part of UM LAIP or WIP-or an adjacent program.
grant for coordinator and supplies needed
- one paid coordinator, rest volunteers, and funding for materials/Volunteers line up supports for prisoners, help them in transition, find mentors while in prison- probably good to have someone funded who works at Project Return or with EXPO- should be an ex-prisoner. ALL old law prisoners would be eligible for program, and TIS as they come up for release. /could possibly be part of UM LAIP or WIP-or an adjacent program.
grant for coordinator and supplies needed
A particularly popular idea e is a
place of refuge for prisoners after release- some would stay temporarily, some
would build their future from here- the plan is for a sustainable community.
There are many of these proposals, this one, spiritually based, is the most
recent:This is the vision of two prisoner, they are sending a more down -to
earth plan/summation. funding is needed for
the salary for a person to do ground work ( finding a place, fundraising etc)
a) wanting to be deported back to
family . Now eligible for parole, judge ordered deported upon release- still being
held- one person ready here: Lene Cespedes Torres
b) pardon/sentence commutation for
someone severely harmed by isolation –first one here: Kamau Damali
c) Compassionate release_ packet of
people requesting compassionate release, The DOC does not recognized the exec order 31- we
are gathering people to add to the three that are ready. Here is old application- new one coming.
4) Enact parole
Guidelines put together by FFUP- As Governor Thompson stopped parole with a
memo, the governor can start it with an executive order or memo . Also pick a parole chairman who
believes people change and are not defined by their crime.
these guidelines would
reinstate parole as it was before the Thompson memo. Only those ready would be
released.Here are guidelines, which need no legislature, and the proposed rules which woudl be needed only if the guidelines were not followed.
parole guidelines and rules alone
Here is the whole Parole rule petition using statue 227 submitted in 2016 about- some good talking points.
5) set up a
committee to study ending revocations without new felonies – Start by studying
what was done in Washington and else
Washington State has a program that is worth studying:
2014 Introduction: How Swift and Certain Sanctions Changed Community Supervision in Washington State : https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/wa-state-new-program-swift-sanctions.pdf
summary of evaluation - 2 pages
2)And this is the 73 page evaluation of Washington’s program: https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/wa-sac-evaluation.pdf
Here are links to what we have now:
1) WI present supervision rules:
2)Act 196:https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/act196-revocations.pdf
3) which brought about the 2016 guidelines which we believe are too vague and as voluntary guidelines, are generally not followed :
Also, again, prisoners have the best ideas because they have gone through it. Any rules you come up with should reviewed by them- I think of prisoner litigators I work with as guides.
Washington State has a program that is worth studying:
2014 Introduction: How Swift and Certain Sanctions Changed Community Supervision in Washington State : https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/wa-state-new-program-swift-sanctions.pdf
summary of evaluation - 2 pages
2)And this is the 73 page evaluation of Washington’s program: https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/wa-sac-evaluation.pdf
Here are links to what we have now:
1) WI present supervision rules:
2)Act 196:https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/act196-revocations.pdf
3) which brought about the 2016 guidelines which we believe are too vague and as voluntary guidelines, are generally not followed :
Also, again, prisoners have the best ideas because they have gone through it. Any rules you come up with should reviewed by them- I think of prisoner litigators I work with as guides.
6) specific
study committees made up of volunteers in the
community, legislators, prisoners
( through letters) Ever’s staff).
PREA-( prison rape elimination act)
Sexual assault is a
huge problem within the WI system because all outside agencies tasked to advocate
and help rely on the DOC to report the assault. This rarely happens and then only the assault is
between inmates in full view of others and or a guard is involved and it is so
public noone can deny its occurrence. The rules put forward by the DOC are as
usual, stunning and as usual- either not followed or interpreted in such a way
that those who report rapes are targeted for retaliation forever with no help. FFUP
is working with three victims in an effort to possibly do a joinder action and
can produce a report we did several years ago. But this is something that needs
to be studied. “PREA IS A JOKE”. The letters are horrific – will post a few
completely broken inmate complaint system- the fox guards the chicken coop is
the saying often used, over the years access to the courts is curtailed more
and more through this system- again this needs to be a study group with close
ties to prisoner litigators. The nepotism in the system is daunting – the examiner(decider)
comes from within the staff of the prison and is co worker to the person he /she
is judging- often they are related by blood. Evidence would need to be
collected and other states studied,
7) EASY STUFF That would change much
bring back interlibrary loan and other programs like one that bought kids at
risk to meet and talk with selected offenders- was tremendously successful according
to prisoners . Man other programs were
stopped when mission was dropped. Course
now there are few programs because of lack of staff and overpopulation.
b) ALLOW emailed receipts on books- Books are very
hard to get into the prison because the prison requires that they include a paper receipt,. With the
internet few books companies include receipts- they email them. An executive
order or talk to DOC chairman asking for
change of policy would make a huge difference in quality of life for prisoners.
Hygiene should be carried by vendors ( marcus and union supply) so family and friends
can buy for prisoner and look at and study what indigent prisoners are getting
for supplies. Tell DOC to allow to Vendors
to carry hygiene items. This is a BIGGY-
hygiene- deodorant and soap- is only sold on canteen and indigent and those in
seg have no access. the hygiene the prison gives out is absurd. the soap is in
a plastic packet about 2” by 1 “ and flat- does not have enough soap for one
wash up and a few are to last for days the tooth brush and paste are all
absurdly inadequate and prisoners take their daily routine very seriously and
taunt one another when standards are not up to parr. Food, stamps etc is exchanged for hygiene. REALLY HUGE.
Be aware: FOOD portions getting smaller especially in seg. Between being in
cells too cold or too hot and not getting enough food. many prisoners can only
sleep all day in isolation. A Constant nagging problem is not enough to eat- HUNGER. I am told that
an investigation would not come up with anything unless it were a surprise but awareness come first.
And especially
for segregation/Solitary
goal of eliminating solitary for more the 15 days. Connect with EXPOS education team and make it clear that solitary is used as a
population control tool- there is not enough staff or general population staff
and seg is easier to handle than general population. these days most prisoners
seldom come out even in general because of lack of staff.
solitary reform must go hand in hand with population reduction.
are many things that need to be in place for this to happen . In the meantime ,
study Colorado’s rules . They deal with the violent with intensive treatment.
An example of the horror of our system is that LaRon McKinley spent 27 years in
solitary here, regularly testing as psychopathic. He was the one winners in a
hunger strike put on in 2016- and was sent to Colorado and now is doing fine in
general population. The rule that allowed him to be kept in Solitary confinement
so long was the vague rule that allowed long term solitary for have a “History
of violence”- his crime ( noone was killed, a violent escape attempt 27 years
do the solitary reform in stages.
1)Announce you need to build a mental health treatment center patterned after one mandated at Women’s prison in Fond du lac.The DOC had budgeted it several years ago- they will agree probably again. Tell the legislature we do not need another
prison,we need a mental health treatment center. WRC is whole inadequate- there
needs t be a place where the prisoner can stay as long as is needed .
Here is power point of center at TCI, Fond du Lac.
Here is power point of center at TCI, Fond du Lac.
2) Get rid of the thug guards. Start with
the most notorious:Talk to Warden at WCI about the most notorious guards Joseph
Beahm and Monguey in WCI- who were shown to be the most assaultive in 2014 articles
by the center for investigative Journalism and now run the seg unit. The
inmates live in terror and the few that do report abuses are severely
retaliated against , Many prisons have their thug in charge. Set up an investigative
committee to look at complaints by prisoners and looking at prisoners letters should
bring out the worst. Once you show the staff that brutality will not be rewarded,
the fairness and kindness that can now only be shown in secret ,will begin to come forward. Training and all that is of
course needed.
Center for investigative Journalism WCI abuse 2014 articles
3 )Insist on rotation of guards that is long enough and in large enough groups
that there is a real change on rotation. as is now , it is rotation in name
only. Cameras are used and taken off at will . All areas pointed out by
prisoners as without camera need to be investigated and tapes of incidents need
to be made avaiable to inmate victims and their advocates- impossible now.
4) ALL the prison has to do when SOMEONE DIES IS
inform the coroner. No investigation usually . WE need every death reported to an independent body accessible by the public
and all should be investigated to extent needed. All needs to change in
solitary- there is no treatment and visits by professional staff are few- there
is nothing ahead except empty tortured years. Prisoners are routinely given
more seg time for harming themselves and several times a day there are suicide
attempts. There have been several deaths recently and we only hear about them
through inmates . Then we shout in the wind- there is nothing -
5) No rules or
statutes, guidelines will have an effect in this corrupt system unless there is
a basic change of heart . Study is necessary
to avoid band aide changes. The DOC does
that all the time and placates the public for awhile and then they go off to something
else and the DOC abandons the new policies, rules, guidelines or statutes. -
The prisoner is left each time with conditions worse, for the DOC does its dance
better and better. Start with instating new parole guideline and appointing a
parole commissioner who will follow them and believes in rehabilitation and
change . Study Colorado for seg rules and WA for ending without felonies
ending and go from there. And always
consult with the prisoner litigators.On request I will supply a list of prisoners I rely on. I know they would to be part of this. This way, we will end up with solutions that
really do make the system safe for citizens and healing for prisoners.
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