Wednesday, February 21, 2018


 Ron Schroeder
Intro: it is hard to pick a place to focus with the case of Ron Schroeder for from his conviction thru to the latest- re-incarceration there is absurdity beyond anything I have seen in my many years at this. 
 But will start with the latest injustice- Ron has been re-incarcerated for a very petty rule violation. His agent has been obstructive throughout, nixing all offered housing placements and putting on restrictions that would have ended a less determined man's release chances., But Ron got a job and was well respected at it and was doing fine. He is now in jail and has been revoked, will probably soon be back in prison. contact through this email:  RonSchroeder

                                 Two Press Releases- lawsuits filed alleging Parole agents
                                       falsified records in order to get revocations
                                  Parolee Jailed/Imprisoned For Paying Child Support

  Reaching a new low, Dept. of Corrections Officials have put a parolee in jail and recommended he be put back in prison for 2 ½ years for paying his child support.
Released from prison May 2017, Ron Schroeder quickly obtained a residence and job. In Aug. he filed formal complaints against his parole agent, Kimberly Malone denied Ron’s written requests to visit his elderly and disabled mother. The day after filing his complaints Agent Malone asked Ron if he was paying his child support.  He said he called the agency to report his employment but was unsure if they were taking it because he didn’t get the paystubs. The next day Agent Malone obtained Ron’s pay statement from his employer, saw the Child support deductions and issues a warrant for his arrest. The warrant alleged Ron Lied to Agent Malone-that he told her he wasn’t paying his child support when in fact he was.
 Not to end there, Agent Malone and her supervisor Jason Popp have asked Administrative Law Judge Andrew Riedmaier to order Ron back in prison for is 2 ½ years, which he did.
Ron has filed a civil rights lawsuit against <alone And Popp in the Federal Court.
Meanwhile, Ron’s daughters and mom are deprived not only of their loving and caring father/son but also the financial support his daughters are entitled to.
Complaints may be entitled to

                                   Parole Agents Falsifying Revocation Papers
Parolees Ron Schroeder and Solomon Armstrong have filed federal lawsuits alleging their parole agents have falsified their revocation papers in an attempt to put them back in prison (Schroeder V, Malone, 17-cv-1676 and Armstrong V Faber, 18-cv-112, E.D. Wis., available on )
Ron’s agent, Kimberly Malone, put him in jail after learning he was paying child support (she claims Ron told her he wasn’t paying it, effectively lying to her) She recommended Ron be put back in prison for 2 ½ years.
Solomon’s agent, Melissa Faber received information he had a cell phone-something not restricted and therefore no contraband-and search his apartment. The law requires parole agents have “reason grounds” to believe their clients possess contraband before they may search the residence.
In 2016, DOC – in response to WIs Statute 301.03)(3) (a)-(c )started using a new revocation process. The new evidence based response to violations makes it more difficult to revoke. However Agents Malone, Faber and others have been falsifying EBRV papers so as to put fathers, sons, brothers, husbands back in prison-at taxpayers’ expense. Ron and Solomon hope to bring this abuse of agent power to an end with their lawsuits.
Ironically, in 2017 Senate Bill 30 (at Sec.9129) the Legislature ordered an audit of DOC’s Compliance with Statute 301.03 (EBRV).
Complaints may be emailed to (please copy RonSchroeder

  But the real absurdity lies behind all this to Ron Schroeder's conviction: 

He was convicted of initiating sex with his sleeping wife as second degree sexual assault. NO LIE - judge's comments below:
1) Court documents on conviction for  trying to initiate sex with his sleeping wife

H     2) Here is the statute:940.225 Sexual assault.
 (2)Second degree sexual assault. Whoever does any of the following is guilty of a Class C felony:
(d) Has sexual contact or sexual intercourse with a person who the defendant knows is unconscious.

3)His prison conduct was exemplary, he is a find litigator , a stalwart optimist  and is generous with his learning and everything else he has.
   Here is enthusiastic referral by prison chaplain , where Ron was dedicated organist and supporter

         He tested low for risk of re offense

 4)    Finally, here is a letter to his to two daughters trying to explain his absence.
Complaints may be emailed to
to contact Ron through friend and supporter email :RonSchroeder

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