Wednesday, March 27, 2024

FFUP CASES : Mental health and abuse and overuse of solitary cases

 MENTAL HEALTH CARE and over use and abuse of solitary-PSU

March 24 ,2024 coming

MARCH 2023

Andrew Green 514104 NLCI /bd 1989,33 W/ OUTDATE 6 23 23

RELEASE is the big issue. He is mentally ill and says his diagnosis was change on admission to the prison and he has been given medication doses”for a child” was afraid of snapping out and now has and is in segregation. The incident involved taunting by a guard and some other guards  commiserated with him- that this guy is trouble for others.

GOAL- get this guy to WRC before release in two months. He also needs safe housing upon release.

MY ACTIONS-  Call HSU where they have no doctor- was told they call doctor in another priosn for phone prescription in emergencies and “This is not an emergency” when I asked that he be given stronger meds or reevaluated. He must be referred to WRC by professional prison staff. .

TO DO: Will have zoom visit with him- Request that group write letter to help push referral to WRC.

Work on room for release.


ON GOING PROJECT SOLITARY ( which they call- Segregation, a RHU restrictive housing unit “we have no solitary”-nurse in GBCI])

I am working with a litigator in there who is working with GBCI RHU prisoners.

In GBCI SEG- good contacts ( here are seemingly dozens of mostly Black youths of between 18 and 30 YO.  

Damien Green= has been long term RHU and keeps me informed on what is happening and is self harmer his letter- here- needs lookups for his case- I will try to connect litigators out here with him - and will send the cases in squinched for through TB but will try to push for connection with others.

Fredrick Morris- Long term friend,. from Chicago- incredible worker through much abuse- I do much case lookup for him . had zoom with him and will do them regulaly. He is trying to get his discovery materila from PD with parital success ., after many calls and letters , got a few things- asks me to keep trying. Says in the end he will r=win his release. A self harmer, mental ill and determined to do well.

Sean Forester Hoare-

Jake Mashl


When we tried a mental health lawsuit before- we had all probably plaintiffs exhaust adm remedies by complaining of no health care-  and  having a few in general complain that they were mentally ill and being abused/confused in general and a few complain that they were living around the mentally ill in generral and it was disruptive. Can look these testimonies up.

Andrew Green would maybe be good for the guy in general who needs treatment.


Dominique Tovsen Casares ( pacific islander) is now in seg and writes of conditions- ( transcribed)


1)Sean Forster Hoare Jane forester 590081GBCI ( Bd 1981, 41 W) :family contact:mother:, .  Sean has Mrysa and has not seen an outside doctor since 2019 ( verified by  conversation with nurse) , he has gone on  hunger strike because of lack of care and will not come off until he gets care, HSU ( health service unit)says he will not get care till he eats- This is illegal and unconstitutional but things continue= he has lost over 100 pounds and Contact is hard-- Nurse said he is getting electrolytes. To deny health care for ANY reason is illegal, and since he did not receive the care before the strike , there is no reason to believe he will get it if he stops. At least this brings pressure on advocates on the outside ( us),

Sean’s transcribed story ( written in small pencil print, unscannable)

NOTE:his mother sometimes is active in advocacy but has a hard time persisiting and Sean get svery disgusted with her- she may  do good in our group= have invited and she is on the notice list each time.


2.)Xavier Hayes-689448 BCI;(BD 2003, 20 yo, B))no release dates given on DOC profile

(carolyn Hayes , Aunt ( Charles Hart, family friend and advocate(

Xavier is very young, 20 years old,  mentally challenged. His diagnoses before arrest were disregarded and the  Public defender was no help. He has 3 years in and family are very worried that he will be harmed irreversibly. We are trying to get his medical records from before prison as they would show him seriously ill and not stable enough to stand trial . Like  most of the people in WI RHUs ( restricted health units, )they are there because they acted out in general population. They are mentally ill and cannot take the chaos and abuse that is daily in general. Most also, went thru a process like Xavier did, where they are “evaluated” for competency and that is, according to prisoner reports: relentless interrogating/testing that goes on UNTIL the outcome desired by the DOC is reached, The exhausted prisoner simply says what ever is desired in order to have the ordeal ended. He is deemed competent to stand trial , or pleads “no contest” which is interpreted by the court as a guilty plea, and he goes to prison often with a ridiculously long sentence. There he ends up in solitary (RHU), gets no treatment or training,  and is released to the street with no support,and the usual result- decades of prison. I believe, Xavier, like so many youths, a kid in trouble ,needing guidance and treatment who instead is stuck in a system that only wounds terribly.  



3.)Jake Mashl 685667 GBCI BD 2000, 23 yo/ out date 1 16 24 ( mother :Nikki  Mashl (

Jake has asbergers, ADD and  multiple other syndromes  in which he is explosive and disruptive at time. His mother , Nikki, says when he is on his meds he is appropriate and easy to get along with. He lives with his mother and has the maturity of a teenager. He was in Medium security but was transferred to GBCI. I note that most of the people in GBCI are young Blacks and many here are gang members because that is their family as so many fathers are n prison ( see study in footnote 2pg1 ). It is Jake’s hard to handle asbergers that put him in GBCI and he was harassed and threatened immediately and ended in their solitary after only two days .

Jake’s story is ever changing as his mother finds out more . All his meds were taken away and his only contact, his monther, gets a phone call once a month, It seems he was saving pills so he could take more of them at one time- he felt the dosage was too small . Although he has ten months to release., we are all afraid he will be permanently traumatized,   He at one point was banging his head against the wall trying to get someone to come.

The big thing is that although his mother is  constantly calling the prison and Madison powers pleading that they give him his meds back, allow calls etc, as of this writing, SHE HAS HAD NO CONTACT with her son since  before thanksgiving,   Her contact has been through the social worker and complaint calls she makes.  Jake was on a program ( SO2) that he looked forward to before he was put in RHU and would like to take that program- This is first for him and shows that under the right conditions, he could learn a lot, .



4.)Terrance Grissom- 93184 WRC.(BD 1970, 52yo, B) MR 4/5/36

(mother: Joy Thompson )

Terrance case is an example of what happens to many prisoners after they go through what Xavier above is enduring. Terrance has been in prison for decades and is an old law prisoner, eligible for parole decades ago ( life sentence them meant 11-13 years if behavior was good)  He was convicted of multiple misdemeanors. His home is in Colorado and he was in Milwaukee visiting his cousins when he was arrested. He is mentally ill and he keeps getting more charges and time as he acts out when he feels abused. Right now he is being reevaluated at WRC so he can get more charges and we gear he will be fept there until the outcome ( competent) is reached. We , in turn, are trying to help him get him to Colorado where his home is and his mother can be close to him

. I have received letters from concerned prisoners that he is being over drugged, then they move him every few months to a different max- usually between WCI and GBCI.

This is the end product of what happens when the mentally ill are funneled into our prisons, the DOC has no capacity to treat or understand and can only isolate and drug. The prisoner becomes more and more combative and the guards  more abusive. Their solution is to drug the guy to a zombie state.



5)Lonny Mayer 167104  GBCI /PREA and illegal captivity and conditions

  Lonny is being held in RHU ,revocated for violating no contact orders of his PO. The story sum is linked here:

Lonny Mayer case sum (1)

 Of greatest concern is the prison is not allowing him phone contact with anyone and he has lost his house, business and all contact with those important in his life. He says this is through the DA asking the WIDOC to broaden the judges simple no contact order for his former fiance to mean everyone.

Also on Lonny Mayer= part of  earliest letter speaking of the contact issue and also a PREA violation that was illegally ditched,

Lonny Mayer continued (2) PREA and illegal captivity and conditions

From February 2023 letter, typed form light pencil.

“This is the exact issue I've been experiencing about for a year  I have not been able to talk to my family or  friends or Associates not even to my attorney since April of last year.

 The prison is doing this all without due process acting on the district attorneys instructions and they are either flat out denying the complaint I file through the icrs system or simply deny me access to file my complaints

 Do you know that I had an officer make sexual advancements toward me. I wrote two security Supervisors…I spoke to several officers and filed a complaint on the matter. all of which were ignored. This happened on November 28th and I've yet to be afforded access to file a formal complaint on the issue. They refused to acknowledge my ice and all the people I wrote asking to take my complaint have all failed to respond to my request.

 There is a law called PREA.  I'm sure you heard of it and the illegal phone restriction preventing me from filing a complaint to such.”


6) Some WIDOC solitary prisoners who would like to send statements and  case sites ( including deliberate indifference , self harm etc)Need help form outside with their cases- will get cases from pacer.

 Jovan Williams 575056 CCI

Fredrick  Morris 579941GBCI

Tommy Carter 389297 WCI

Terrance Kirksey 688172 WCI


           Plea by Damien Green 384855, Prisoner in GBCI RHU


“Torture in Wisconsin Prisons” :FFUP’s 2020 report


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