IF These are granted.
FFUP and others can spread the word and there will be many more applications
1)REQUEST FOR pardon/commutation of
Sentence ( template
for others)
Kamau TZ Damali (
Raynell Morgan) asks for a commutation of sentence/pardon. He is seriously mentally
ill -hearing voices, feeling bugs crawling on him, noises in his head and
inability to eat prison food – mostly caused mostly by his 14 yrs in isolation.
Since being in general, his symptoms have not improved and he needs to be home
and free to go outside into the sun. His
application to Evers is below, along with several examples of his writings.
2)Request for Deportation (
this is a template for others)
Below, Lene Cespedes Torres
Lene was 17 when
incarcerated and has always claimed innocence- he came on the Mariel boatlift
and hardly knew English when he was tried and sentenced. The judge ordered he be deported when
released and this is what Lene asks for- the time is now- he has been in 25
years. Here is his application to
President Trump. He got no response