Monday, April 6, 2020

Reports from prisoners by prison

We are learning of conditions in Wisconsin prison from letters, phone calls, corrlinks emails (an email service tailored for the prison's needs) and families and friends of prisoners. On this page we'll include summaries or links to a few highlights. We'll also make a page for each prison, which will include mailing addresses so you can contact and support people through this struggle.

As of April 2, the DOC has confirmed COVID-19 exposures by staff members at 3 prisons: Waupun CI, and Milwaukee Secure Detention Facility (MSDF), and Columbia CI. The DOC is occasionally dribbling out bits more information here.

1) Oshkosh Correctional Institution ( OCI)

Waupun CI 

WCI was the site of  first confirmed case of corona virus, a DOC doctor with a long history of negligence and mistreatment who had recently traveled to Italy tested positive.

From: DECARLOS YOUNG (421325) BD1977, 44

Date: 3/24/2020 7:21:31 AM
Subject: The Truth: Covid-19 In W.C.I

The staff here at Waupun Correctional Institution are lying to the public as well as placing our lives in danger. at this moment I will give you ONLY!!! the facts as we are living through this daily...
I know that most of you I am able to speak with over the phone.and due to the fact that I understand that its the staff here that process all emails. meaning they have the ability to stop this email from making it out of the prison. I will call those whom I speak to and rely this message. and depending on when you've received this message I may have spoken to you all already...
Its 3.23.20 10:32am I just got finish giving an on phone interview to "Kite Line" which is a radio station and podcast. and I'm going to tell you all the same thing that I told them. the TRUTH!!!...

The statement that was giving to the press was not true. and as myself and other prisoners find ourselves living through a daily situation where our lives are in danger how can I not speak on this serious issue...

This is a fact. and I myself found this out after I was at H.S.U (prison medical department) two weeks ago for a televisit from my doctor from Madison Wisconsin. and the staff was talking about it and you could see that one of them was clearly sick...

This is a lie there has been NO!!!major cleaning going on here. outside of the tier tenders (prisoner workers) being told to spray down the door handles something thats supposed to be done daily anyway. there has been nothing else done.they have been mopping the floors once a daily. this is still the same dirty prison it has been since I got here. on top of that I'm right here in front of the supply cabinets. and there are no gloves. there is no disinfectant if there is they only have a small amount most of the time they are using window cleaner in the place of disinfectant. and the only cell hall that they truly make sure is clean is the Southwest. and thats because thats the cell hall where they take film crews and their tours. also known as the honor cell hall where if there are issues of abuse to be spoken on there are only a few that would use their voice to do so.because for the most part you have a lot of bootlickas over there...
Then you have staff passing out medication without wearing masks or gloves. we just had a white shirt over here today wearing no mask nor gloves passing out medication. most people whom have sense refused their medication...

We were told today that we would no longer be allowed the four ten minute showers per week that we were allowed before this pandemic. we were told that we would only be given two ten minute showers per week during this covid-19 pandemic. and when we asked why we were told two things. 1).that it was so that we wouldn't be in the way of the daily cleaning. our response was as followed: what daily cleaning?. and one has nothing to do with the other if you all really did the cleaning thats being lied about to the public. 2).we were told that its because we all needed to be distanced from one another: to which we asked how can you distance someone whom has a cellie when there's no room to give everyone a personal cell. furthermore even if you could it still wouldn't work because the only cell hall that has an enclosure in the front is the north cell hall. the South, Southwest and Northwest cell hall's all have open front cell's.and even if they could give everyone a personal cell we still breathe the same recycled air. that blows the same hair and dead skin cells around 24/7 with the same highly laced radium cancer causing water coming out of the facet...

Everyday we hear rumors of some new staff members and or prisoners whom are supposed to have been proved to be positive. and as I said at the start of this of this statement I will give you ONLY!!! the I know them to until these new positive cases within the staff or prisoners comes out as valid information. I will not speak on it as if it is. because at the end of the day this is not about trying to lie or take a shot at staff. this is about telling the public the truth about what's really going on in here. because it may just save someone's life.when we allow the powers that be to continue to control the narrative and its only done for their own personal reasons (career advancement/money/political views/votes) nobody truly wins...
I know that many will say that I'm just a prisoner so why believe me?. I will only say this "I have nothing to gain other than my life,And I have nothing to loose other than my life". and if thats not good enough just listen to the many voices that are just like mine. whom all speak for those of us who can't speak for themselves or fear the retaliation if they do speak. I never allowed anyone to play with my life when I didn't understand the value of life. so why would I allow anyone to play with it now that I do!?!...
Sincerely.  KhalĂ®q Young
many more testimonies from WCI
including mailing addresses so you can contact people directly.

Columbia CI 

Two staff members at CCI have tested positive according to latest (April 2) reports. See updated numbers here. By many measures CCI is Wisconsin's most horrific prison. This is where guards beat Kuan Barnett, where Joe Turney was sexually assaulted for being depressed, and where Warden Susan Novak's policies provoked violent conflicts and a deadly lockdown. With that history, we are especially worried about the extended COVID-19 lockdown at CCI.

Bill Ledford 80495 CCI
For the record, by this email, I give my permission for my name to be used as to anything I write about herein.
        I am a Type I insulin dependent diabetic within multiple heal  In short, I am at the top of the food chain for COVID-19.  I am currently confined in the Columbia Correctional Institution (CCI), probably the most troubled facility in the DOC.
th conditions, including COPD, a challenged immune system, heart disease, a double amputee (i.e. my feet) in a wheelchair, and am 57 years old.
        Because of my medical and physical conditions I was dumped in the Lower A Wing of Unit 6.  This wing has eleven other men, who, like me, were dumped in this facility and Wing due to being seriously chronically I'll, physically disabled or aged, mostly a combination of all three.  But Unit 6 is primarily an SMU (Special Management Unit) for the seriously mentally I'll.  The reason I and the others are in this unit and secluded is because it is the only place in the whole DOC which has an elevator, an elevator which breaks down on average of every month to month-and-a-half.  If we have an emergency or fall out of our wheelchairs we have absolutely no way to call for help other than to yell or bang on the door.  However, if we do that we are retaliated against by being written a conduct report for "disruptive conduct" (their "catch all" charge); if we bang on the door then staff will also impose what they call a "door inspection fee" of $25.00 (though no "inspection" is done) and/or a "door painting fee"  (I don't recall the amount).  Also, they recently confiscated the small wooden cell brooms from us so that we could not use them to bang on the door to signal/call for help.  However, they obdurately refuse to provide a means for us to call for and obtain assistance.  For example, on three separate occasions I filed formal DOC-2530 Reasonable Modification/Accommodation Requests under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to have an emergency notification system installed, such as a Life Alert system or emergency call button/light system.  In particular, Del. Warden Lucas Weber and then-ADA coordinator Pam Schmidt refused to follow policy and procedure, lied about staff actions on the unit, and refused to provide an emergency notification system.  And in at least one case the Institution Complaint Examiner (ICE) improperly interfered with my ability to exhaust remedies (not an uncommon event by ICEs).  All of this is well-documented.
         Furthermore, the DOC has been allocated $8 Million for a geriatric facility since 2017 Wis. Act 59 (see sec. 301.16(1ww), Stats.), but which has been amended to the renovation of an existing facility (I.e., Oak Hill Corr. Inst.).  It has been three years with no actual building or renovation being done to speak of.  Instead, I (we) are stuck in a lower wing of a mental health unit though we are general population (GP) prisoners.
        In addition, CCI is badly in need of nursing staff.  They are very short staffed and the turnover of nurses is great.  Part of the reason is the constant interference by the security and administration staff who, for all intents and purposes, run and control health services at CCI.  For example, during the November 8, 2019, lock down Warden Novak withheld the flu shots for several months.  Security determines what medications they want or don't want in the facilities due to possible abuse or misuse by prisoners (though in the past, security staff were often caught stealing medications until narcotics began being handed out by nursing staff).  Last year CCI got a new Health Service Manager (HSM) named Cindy Buchanan.  She came from the private sector.  In my experience and opinion she is a very decent person who listens to men and works hard to get men what they medically need.  I have had a good deal of interaction with her from the outset and she has always looked out for my interests.  Again, the problem exists with interference by administrative and supervisory staff.
        Now we are one doctor (out of two) short because she took off - at the beginning of the lockdown - for allegedly being fatigued, which is very possible.  Dr. Martha Masciopinto is one of the better prison doctors I have dealt with.  But now, with COVID-19 in the institution we have one doctor (whom nobody really likes) for over 800 prisoners.  We are not allowed any type of sanitizers whatsoever because they have alcohol in them.  When more cases of CV-19 appear -and they will - medical staff will be immediately overwhelmed.  The only "plan" the institution has is to completely lock us down with no real medical care.  As Mr. Turk suggested, it is unlikely that we will be allowed any hospitalization because we are prisoners.  We will be locked in cells with no real medical care or treatment, and it will be nothing more than "hope for the best, expect the worst."
       Ben says the DOC stopped transferring prisoners.  However, on 3-19-20 there were eleven (11) prisoners transferred to CCI.  According to a nurse and two guards they were held briefly in R & O, and then after be checked to see if they had any symptoms and then were sent immediately to the housing units!  Not a very brilliant  move, to say the least.  And staff are still doing pat searches!
      Phone calls and showers are being allowed and we were able to turn in our canteen orders (though we don't know if we will get the orders next Tuesday) and the memo was placed that we can spend $100.00 for the order (CCI is a bimonthly facility).  I just had a cashier's check for $1000.00 sent to Access to be credited to my account.  It should be there by Thursday, but we don't have any idea if Access will be doing business by then given all of the shut down orders being issued.
      I guess that is all for the moment.  I will provide more when and as it arises.
      Take care and be well, stay safe.Bill
More Reports from CCI

VINCENT JUDD-RAPP 665512 3/26/2020 4:33:50 PM GBCI ( bd1992)
Vincent Judd-Rapp
     I work as the Lead Clerk in the library, for both the recreational library side and the law library side, and volunteered to haul a cart of books up and down the various tiers of cells in each cell hall, and into the dorm, so that people can at least have something to read to help escape their environment and keep their minds active.
I was told, "We'll discuss it." That was on Wednesday. No response of any kind.
Meanwhile, breakfeasts have been only in bags and they have rapidly become smaller and smaller. When we began avoiding eating in our cells, which was before they locked us down, we would get the following in the bag breakfasts:

4 oz. of cold cereal
Muffin or Breakfast cake
Fresh fruit (apple, banana, orange)
2 Slices of wheat/rye bread
2 half ounce packets of peanut butter
2 half ounce packets of jelly
2 half pint cartons of milk

Ultimately, you'd, basically, end up with a small 4oz. bowl of cereal, a PB&J sandwich, a piece of fruit, a muffin, and a cup of milk.  A okay breakfast, right?
That lasted two days. Then the bags became smaller and smaller until, today, we were given:

A 4 oz. bowl of cereal (half full, so only about four or five bites worth)
2 Slices of wheat bread
1 half ounce packet of peanut butter (wasn't even even to cover a slice of bread)
2 half pint cartons of milk.

So, 4-5 bites of cereal, 2 slices of bread with not even a teaspoon worth of peanut butter on them, and some milk. At this  point, I'm wary of what they'll remove from the meal, if that's what it can be called, next.
Anyway, I'll send this to you now. If I receive any more news I'll pass it on to you. Thank you for your time. Vincent

                                                       SCI :
STANLEY IS A TICKING TIME BOMB- hundreds of elderly prisoners packed in
 Stanley is a ticking time bomb of disease, infection and death. There are hundreds of elderly and immune-compromised prisoners in Stanley, those most likely to die from COVID-19. How many will be left in cells to live or die by the strength of their immune system? There are not enough hospital beds in this rural area to meet the needs of free people. You can be sure hundreds of infected prisoners will not be transferred to hospitals for treatment. It is simply not feasible even if there was adequate bed space.
The only answer is to implement restrictions before COVID-19 comes to Stanley because once it does, it will be impossible to manage.

Mediums, Minimums, WRC  DCI etc:
CHRISTOPHER SIMPSON (482710)OSCI 3/21/2020 2:55:31 PM RE:Covid19: keeping yourself safe and strategies
        I am writing to inform you that I have filed an ICE for the taking away
of brooms at OSCI. The staff are telling us that sweeping your room spreads the covid19 virus, so we are only allowed to mop our rooms with a mop that every other inmate on the tier has used. However the janitors are still allowed to sweep the dayroom and restrooms with a standard bristle broom. It is ludicrous to deny use in one manner but for it to acceptable in another. Especially for me, I am a person who will be 49 in April, I also have severe COPD and need supplemental oxygen to breath. My respiratory system is pretty shot and I am sure that a virus like Covid19 is a death sentence for someone like me. The damage that would be done would be very bad if not terminal. I am very aware of the danger I am in! And unfortunately I see very little to no hope if the virus makes its way in here. We know that it is in Waupun correctional, and hear rumors that there are 2 cases in Columbia correctional. Let me close with 2 thoughts.
1) Thank-you all for all your efforts in all our areas of concern and for all the much needed information.
2) Please let everyone know that our hearts and prayers are with all of you out there as well. My our Heavenly Father keep His hand on you all as you continue to press on against the adversary. Please know that you have our support, hearts, and spirit fighting right along with you all. God bless us all. His will be done. In Jesus Christ name amen.

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