Monday, April 6, 2020

Reports from Inside Waupun CI

WCI was the site of  first confirmed case of corona virus, a DOC doctor with a long history of negligence and mistreatment who had recently traveled to Italy tested positive.

Elijah Prioleau

Write to Elijah:
Leon Elijah Prioleau

Waupun Correctional Institution
PO Box 351
Waupun, WI 53963-0351

Decarlos Young

From: DECARLOS YOUNG (421325) BD1977, 44

Date: 3/24/2020 7:21:31 AM
Subject: The Truth: Covid-19 In W.C.I

The staff here at Waupun Correctional Institution are lying to the public as well as placing our lives in danger. at this moment I will give you ONLY!!! the facts as we are living through this daily...
I know that most of you I am able to speak with over the phone.and due to the fact that I understand that its the staff here that process all emails. meaning they have the ability to stop this email from making it out of the prison. I will call those whom I speak to and rely this message. and depending on when you've received this message I may have spoken to you all already...
Its 3.23.20 10:32am I just got finish giving an on phone interview to "Kite Line" which is a radio station and podcast. and I'm going to tell you all the same thing that I told them. the TRUTH!!!...

The statement that was giving to the press was not true. and as myself and other prisoners find ourselves living through a daily situation where our lives are in danger how can I not speak on this serious issue...

This is a fact. and I myself found this out after I was at H.S.U (prison medical department) two weeks ago for a televisit from my doctor from Madison Wisconsin. and the staff was talking about it and you could see that one of them was clearly sick...

This is a lie there has been NO!!!major cleaning going on here. outside of the tier tenders (prisoner workers) being told to spray down the door handles something thats supposed to be done daily anyway. there has been nothing else done.they have been mopping the floors once a daily. this is still the same dirty prison it has been since I got here. on top of that I'm right here in front of the supply cabinets. and there are no gloves. there is no disinfectant if there is they only have a small amount most of the time they are using window cleaner in the place of disinfectant. and the only cell hall that they truly make sure is clean is the Southwest. and thats because thats the cell hall where they take film crews and their tours. also known as the honor cell hall where if there are issues of abuse to be spoken on there are only a few that would use their voice to do so.because for the most part you have a lot of bootlickas over there...
Then you have staff passing out medication without wearing masks or gloves. we just had a white shirt over here today wearing no mask nor gloves passing out medication. most people whom have sense refused their medication...

We were told today that we would no longer be allowed the four ten minute showers per week that we were allowed before this pandemic. we were told that we would only be given two ten minute showers per week during this covid-19 pandemic. and when we asked why we were told two things. 1).that it was so that we wouldn't be in the way of the daily cleaning. our response was as followed: what daily cleaning?. and one has nothing to do with the other if you all really did the cleaning thats being lied about to the public. 2).we were told that its because we all needed to be distanced from one another: to which we asked how can you distance someone whom has a cellie when there's no room to give everyone a personal cell. furthermore even if you could it still wouldn't work because the only cell hall that has an enclosure in the front is the north cell hall. the South, Southwest and Northwest cell hall's all have open front cell's.and even if they could give everyone a personal cell we still breathe the same recycled air. that blows the same hair and dead skin cells around 24/7 with the same highly laced radium cancer causing water coming out of the facet...

Everyday we hear rumors of some new staff members and or prisoners whom are supposed to have been proved to be positive. and as I said at the start of this of this statement I will give you ONLY!!! the I know them to until these new positive cases within the staff or prisoners comes out as valid information. I will not speak on it as if it is. because at the end of the day this is not about trying to lie or take a shot at staff. this is about telling the public the truth about what's really going on in here. because it may just save someone's life.when we allow the powers that be to continue to control the narrative and its only done for their own personal reasons (career advancement/money/political views/votes) nobody truly wins...
I know that many will say that I'm just a prisoner so why believe me?. I will only say this "I have nothing to gain other than my life,And I have nothing to loose other than my life". and if thats not good enough just listen to the many voices that are just like mine. whom all speak for those of us who can't speak for themselves or fear the retaliation if they do speak. I never allowed anyone to play with my life when I didn't understand the value of life. so why would I allow anyone to play with it now that I do!?!...
Sincerely.  Khalîq Young

Write to Decarlos:

Decarlos Young 
Waupun Correctional Institution
PO Box 351
Waupun, WI 53963-0351 

Miguel Ayala

MIGUEL AYALA (412235) 3/20/2020 ( 1986 33)
Miguel Ayala

PM Virus News Thank u for ur urgent update. Well I'm sure u know by now that WCI is on modified lockdown kuz an individual has tested positive for (COVID-19). It was on Fox6 news last night. They passed out a memo on it yesterday. We don't come out our cells at all unless its for showers. A couple inmates went to the hospital earlier this week. Not sure why exactly. I've bn taking all precautions necessary!! I had to feel the tier tenders to to clean up by wiping the railings, sweeping n mopping. If most guys cleaned on a daily, this place will b a lot more cleaner!! Thank u for the information u provided, I will definitely pass it on. Have a good day Peg. (:‚'

Write to Miguel:

Miguel Ayala
Waupun Correctional Institution
PO Box 351
Waupun, WI 53963-0351

Eric Morris

Eric Morris has asthma
i have saver asthma an covid 19  is going around wci and i wrote mr evers asking for early release because this is a death sentence please help i got 26 months left please help.

Write to Eric:
Eric Morris
Waupun Correctional Institution
PO Box 351
Waupun, WI 53963-0351

Jeremy Clark

3/20/2020 Waupun "virus news"
Jeremy Clark
Thank you for the information and news update from out there! Here is an update from the current epicenter of the virus within the DOC. At this point WCI has been placed on a modified lockdown. Just prior to being placed on it inmates housed within the North Cell Hall, A-Range were moved and relocated to cells throughout the cell hall. Their cells were then turned into "Isolation Cells" and sick or exposed inmates were then placed in those cells, STILL within the general population. As I am sure you have heard there is a staff member here who has tested positive for the virus, as I understand it and according to several sources it in the Doctor here, Doctor Jeffrey Manlove. Also, according to several sources inmates who came in contact with him are now housed within the North Cell Hall, where I am housed, on A-Range in general population. Likewise, there are still inmates, not in isolation housed on the same tier, where everyone housed in the North cell hall have to walk pass their cells in order to shower!
According to another reliable source staff who have been exposed to the infected staff have not been instructed or ordered to self quarantine, but instead only to self-report symptoms. They are not otherwise subjected to any screening. It should be noted that this information is current as of today's date. Food service workers continue to work along side inmates to prepare food, and staff continue to work in close proximity with inmates, despite there being a confirmed case. Inmates are not currently being given access to cell hall kiosks to place money on their tablets to send emails and keep regular contact with family and friends. The morale among inmates close to me and those I know is low and we feel helpless. Our first knowledge of a confirmed case came from Fox 6 News. There are people here, including my roommate, who have less than 2 years to release and there have been no attempts to release them or move them to other low security facilities. I hope this assist in you and other's endeavor. I would also ask that you provide me with information from the ACLU.

Write to Jeremy: 
Jeremy Clark
Waupun Correctional Institution
PO Box 351
Waupun, WI 53963-0351

Joevone Jordan

3/20/2020 6:29:31 PM
Hello Friend....
Hello, long time no hear. It would be strange to say no see, you know since we don't see one another. There's been a great development in my life since we last spoke. My novel came out February 2nd. I'm ecstatic of my benevolent progress. Although I'm happy, I'm still worried of dying alone. Especially with Covid-19 spreading rapidly. In my desperation of need, may you be so kind to find an old friend of mine. I only know her recent P.O. Box and phone number.
Sade Wheat
PO Box 18162
Milwaukee, W.I. 53218
414) 807-6010
I would truly appreciate if you may help me in time of need. Thanks, and love...

Write to Joevone:
Joevone Jordan
Waupun Correctional Institution
PO Box 351
Waupun, WI 53963-0351

Anonymous reports:

There is something going on inside Waupun Correctional Institution. The Doctor brought COVID-19 into the facility & now over 18 inmates have the virus. The jail is saying there is no confirmed cases which is FALSE. They would not let me know the status of the inmate I am inquiring about even after having disclosed i am his Power of Attorney. He tells me he doesn’t not feel safe & is afraid he is going to die in there. They are saying they have the “flu” but have not tested them for the flu or anything else. This isn’t just a me but problem but an US problem. He is not the only one being mistreated.
Screenshot of their corrlinks conversation:


“You probably won't get this, but the guards are lying to us! They are going around tell us inmates that no one tested positive for coronavirus, when in fact, it was on Fox6 news and on ABC new just now as I received your email. Many inmates are now being placed in quarantine in seg. (the hole) and in the north cell hall with healthy inmates! Inmates with pre-existing conditions are not being tested and I met all the criteria to be tested; I have pre-existing conditions and heart disease. These guards and administration only care about their fellow employees.

Thanks for me information sis. Please continue to send me whatever you find out about this prison and coronavirus.“


The latest from Elijah, our contact and primary source from inside Waupun CI

I believe what you all are doing is so freaking awesome! So check this out...I just learned that we will only be given the opportunity to shower twice a week now instead of the four times a week we are accustomed to. Until further notice, we will be given showers on Tuesday & Thursday only! One of the inmate workers of this cell hall (I'm in the south cell hall) was just released from the hospital this morning...he was there for 4 days with the "flu" he said. He also said that they tested him for coronavirus and his test was negative. But now he's back in this cell hall working, passing out food trays! This is bs! 

I really hope that I was able to help you all out. I just want the truth to come out about what's really going on in Waupun.

The inmates at Waupun CI immune systems are already weak due to the extremely excessive amounts of radium and lead found in our drinking water. Which a memo was handed out to us in February this year letting us know the water is contaminated and and admit to knowing about this for over a year now but just now telling us. They say it can cause cancer but yet they refuse to give us alternative drinking water or test us for cancer. 
They idea of quarantining the ones infected with the Coronavirus is to move them into the same cell hall on the same side as the healthy inmates. We walk pass their cells every time we leave out to go to showers. Our food trays stop at their cells when they are being passed out. Officer don't use gloves when passing out meds and when they do they don't change them out after passing meds to the infected. Their idea of new and effective cleaning routine was passing out water down bottles of disinfecting spray once in the mornings for the first few days. Now they just have the tier tenders clean off our door traps. 

It won't be long before we are all infected in here. And it hurts because I've been incarcerated for what will be 8 years this year. I have only 18 months to go come April and I don't want to die in here when I'm this close to coming home and being with my family. I hope the changes you all are working on comes before it's too late

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