Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Reports from the hot spot: OSHKOSH Corr INST-

REUBEN MAY (108111)3 21 20 OSCI 60

RALPH NICKEL (322916) OSCI Forced to eat while taminated 3/27/2020 8:29:31 PM
I got a job at BCE or BSI here and I work in the Dirty Sort Department. Mon-Fri. I work with clothes & mops with urine & fesses in or on them.Plus someday's I work in the spray booth where we have to spray off the heavier cloth's,wash cloth's,towel's,piss Padd's,and a lot of other thing's that has fesses on it.At one point I was getting a save tray but our knew Unit Manager took it away from us cause he said,"You can go back to eat plus your wearing protected gear.  That is true we can go back but again
Taminated cause we are only wearing an apron like thing over our cloths and than when we do SWC(Southern) we put on a very thin wind jacket like that always get wet.Either way on what we wear.We are taminated from the strong smell also that is going into our cloths and skin.I'm I right?Now I tried to write the Warden twice on this but it seems like she doesn't care so I put in an ICE and hope I can turn this in a law suit for whats going on outside if you know what I mean.I worked with SCI,TCI,and NBCI which all had the Neo Flu.Again they want me to come back to eat with the other inmates before taking a shower.Really sad!All I want is a save tray so I can take a shower first before I eat.Is there any thing wrong with that.So do you think I have a Law Suit here and if so can you please help me cause I don't know how to do them.Thank You!!

ADAM EBERT (543837) OSCI  4-1-20 The coronavirus and safety for inmates
Hey a lot of inmates are concerned about there safety from getting the coronavirus in prison. Here at Oshkosh correctional inst. They spray 499 disinfected chemical everywhere. We don't know much about this 499 chemical other than a few things on the label which ain't much on it if it would effect someone's health or not if they breathing in a lot of these chemicals sprayed around the unit every day.

As of today here at Oshkosh correctional inst. 4-1-2020 a memo went up no handball, basketball, barber shop, or big group meaning only one unit at a time can go to our small library here. But that could still mean over 50 people in a close space. We don't do much social distancing here at all. Day rooms are always full of people over 50 plus people. This prison is over full to the point I don't think they will have enough room to put inmates if the do get it and it will spread like a wild fire in here. They still have big groups of people getting together for program in the day rooms. I think if the coronavirus gets into the prison system it will hit the prison system hard. And they won't be able to control it because of the over crowding in the prison system.

The question is what will Governor Tony Evers do to protect the over crowded prison system from getting the coronavirus and it spreading through the whole prison system? Will Tony Evers drop the prison population to make it safer with this coronavirus going around Wisconsin? What will the Governor do if the coronavirus would end up in the prison system? Are they going to let inmates out early due to coronavirus in the state of Wisconsin? There's a lot of questions being asked. Is this the time to pass a crimeless revocation bill to bring down prison population and let some people out?

We here at Oshkosh correctional inst. Only can make 5 phone calls a week to family. Where other prisons might be able to make more phone calls. It upsets inmates because they want to call to make sure their families are OK during this coronavirus going around. You just have to hope and pray your loved ones are OK. We used to only be able to make 3 phone calls a week. But they say because of no more visits we are able to now call 5 times a week which is our lock out on our phones here. So use your phone calls wisely when limited to 5 calls.

So far no reports of coronavirus in the prison system except hearing something over in Waupun correctional inst. And Columbia correctional inst. Thats word to mouth through inmates. We don't know what's true and not true unless its on the news. But do you really think it would break the news for inmates to know if the coronavirus is in the prison system. Not really sure. I've heard different prisons doing different things for social distancing with inmates. There's not really any social distancing here at all at Oshkosh correctional inst. But have written people at other prison system and they are doing a bunch of different things for social distancing. Everyone wants to know what's going on in different prisons and and how social distancing in prisons and how many phone calls call other prisons make.

What are they going to do to make it better for people to contact their loved ones from in here at Oshkosh correctional inst. ? 

Inmates are getting bored here. Upset, angry, and many emotions due to this coronavirus thing going on.  The mail has been slow on this end too not sure if that has anything to do with the coronavirus epidemic.

Thats all I got for now here at Oshkosh correctional inst. Well everyone at all the prisons spread the word and news of what's going on. Thanks for reading this. God bless everyone. Stay safe and healthy! AdamSent 4-1-2020 at 10:58 pm                                                                                                                         

CHRISTOPHER SIMPSON (482710 OSCI, 1971,48 )  3 27 20/RE:Covid19:
keeping yourself safe and strat
Thank you again for all you are doing. I hope that our government realizes the danger we are in and realizes that the DOC is unequipped to handle a mass breakout of the covid19 virus. There just aren't enough medical staff or security to respond to a pandemic in the system. There also is not an outside source that isn't overwhelmed already. We are very greatfull for what you are doing to help us. I will as always spread the word and try to get people to write our government so they can hear our worries as well. Please stay strong and safe. Go with God in all you do. May His peace shine on and in you. In friendship Christopher
40)ADAM EBERT (543837) OSCI  4-1-20 The coronavirus and safety for inmates
Hey a lot of inmates are concerned about there safety from getting the coronavirus in prison. Here at Oshkosh correctional inst. They spray 499 disinfected chemical everywhere. We don't know much about this 499 chemical other than a few things on the label which ain't much on it if it would effect someone's health or not if they breathing in a lot of these chemicals sprayed around the unit every day.

As of today here at Oshkosh correctional inst. 4-1-2020 a memo went up no handball, basketball, barber shop, or big group meaning only one unit at a time can go to our small library here. But that could still mean over 50 people in a close space. We don't do much social distancing here at all. Day rooms are always full of people over 50 plus people. This prison is over full to the point I don't think they will have enough room to put inmates if the do get it and it will spread like a wild fire in here. They still have big groups of people getting together for program in the day rooms. I think if the coronavirus gets into the prison system it will hit the prison system hard. And they won't be able to control it because of the over crowding in the prison system.

The question is what will Governor Tony Evers do to protect the over crowded prison system from getting the coronavirus and it spreading through the whole prison system? Will Tony Evers drop the prison population to make it safer with this coronavirus going around Wisconsin? What will the Governor do if the coronavirus would end up in the prison system? Are they going to let inmates out early due to coronavirus in the state of Wisconsin? There's a lot of questions being asked. Is this the time to pass a crimeless revocation bill to bring down prison population and let some people out?

We here at Oshkosh correctional inst. Only can make 5 phone calls a week to family. Where other prisons might be able to make more phone calls. It upsets inmates because they want to call to make sure their families are OK during this coronavirus going around. You just have to hope and pray your loved ones are OK. We used to only be able to make 3 phone calls a week. But they say because of no more visits we are able to now call 5 times a week which is our lock out on our phones here. So use your phone calls wisely when limited to 5 calls.

So far no reports of coronavirus in the prison system except hearing something over in Waupun correctional inst. And Columbia correctional inst. Thats word to mouth through inmates. We don't know what's true and not true unless its on the news. But do you really think it would break the news for inmates to know if the coronavirus is in the prison system. Not really sure. I've heard different prisons doing different things for social distancing with inmates. There's not really any social distancing here at all at Oshkosh correctional inst. But have written people at other prison system and they are doing a bunch of different things for social distancing. Everyone wants to know what's going on in different prisons and and how social distancing in prisons and how many phone calls call other prisons make.

What are they going to do to make it better for people to contact their loved ones from in here at Oshkosh correctional inst. ? 

Inmates are getting bored here. Upset, angry, and many emotions due to this coronavirus thing going on.  The mail has been slow on this end too not sure if that has anything to do with the coronavirus epidemic.

Thats all I got for now here at Oshkosh correctional inst. Well everyone at all the prisons spread the word and news of what's going on. Thanks for reading this. God bless everyone. Stay safe and healthy! Adam

Sent 4-1-2020 at 10:58 pm

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