Sunday, September 30, 2018

FFUP Fundraising Updates and Details to present campaign

1)Bill proposal for making basic changes with the way we do Corrections

3) This is lawsuit against overuse and abuse of solitary confinement, filed in June by FFUP on behalf of 8 prisoners stuck in solitary torture.

4) Exhibits to our lawsuit above

latest newsletters:

Lawsuits we are at present trying to help fund

 general update September 2018
source unknown- from years ago/more relavant than ever

              These are times of high energy and much learning. FFUP started as a little organization supporting prisoners with the stated mission to help them “survive their incarceration ordeal with psyches intact . 19 years later, we still support prisoners and their families but we find that individual advocacy no longer has much effect and we must .of also grapple other organizations to help make systemic changes to a system drowning in corruption. 
            SO the movement matures. From a bunch of individual organizations each playing in its own sandbox, we are beginning to see that working together, forging a plan encompassing a division of labor is not only possible, it is essential. 
            FFUP's piece in this coalition puzzle is our connection with prisoners. We are not good at public education  but can give accurate and complete information on what is happening within the prisons and help make important connections between prisoners and the outside world. We are planted as a bridge between the organizations that do the education piece best and the prisoner and their families, who so desperately want to be heard. Here is a link to our latest newsletter,  "Bridge of Voices",which goes to prisoners in paper form and is well liked. 

         This is new for FFUP and is part of this new maturity. Trust is high between FFUP and prisoners and we have made solid connections with fine prisoner litigators. All along we have been making copies for lawsuits and supplying stamps and guidebooks etc, and one of the tools we use to help prisoners survive solitary , is to encourage them to learn the law. This has all gone well but now we are in a position  to help pay the filing fees and other fees necessary to take the most promising lawsuits through to the end. Unlike most individual lawsuits which win money for plaintiff but change little, theses are lawsuits that aim to change the system, The courts, with the help of the DOC( department of Corrections) have been incrementally closing its doors to prisoner litigation efforts and with help, FFUP can go a long way in helping prisoners navigate those obstacles. Funds are needed for this effort.
         We also have filed a suit against abuse and overuse of solitary on behalf of 8 prisoners. This is an experiment in Joinders and we hope it can be a template for future actions.( link to suit here) Another important effort is the crafting of proposed legislation to reduce prison population that all our WI organizations together can promote. An overview of  “movement” idea coming here .

           WHERE YOUR help is needed now :Right now FFUP has an opportunity to fund two  important lawsuits by fine litigators with long term ties to FFUP. Both are working on the overuse of solitary problem. Both have good cases, do win cases and it is an honor that they agree to work with FFUP. One needs filing fees paid and funding help with documents, discovery etc- probably about $1000 in all , with $250 needed ASAP. In the case we want to help fund, the plaintiff is a long term, much abused solitary confinement victim . Details of the case are here  and this case will have implications for all those in solitary if won.
Animal in a Cage, by DaRen Morris
 The other litigator requesting funds has just won a case allowing him to depose the DOC  ( rarely allowed an inmate- this is where under oath, the plaintiff takes testimony) but is required to  pay the fees for the deposition which will be between 200 and 250 $ This case goes back to the abuse during the hunger strike back in 2016 ( link to WW Articles). This prisoner litigator has served the longest time in solitary of any prisoner now in WI and he is still advocating for prisoner rights.  I consider this man a visionary and will hare are links to some of his writing here: Uhuru, rights advocate, longest serving solitary prisoner, writings here

Finally, our traditional needs  still exist and grow as prison conditions deteriorate.  The need for funds is great for the stamp program ( indigent inmates get a pack(5) of embossed envelopes and pad of paper per month and they provide an account statement every three months to verify indigency) )and requests for tvs and radios by those stuck in seg are these days urgent ( here is a request by a 23 year old)- many are not making it. desperate pleas, legitimate usually come in daily to FFUP  and we do what we can. We also try to help those trying to raise funds for schooling_This man is also offering to crochet thank you gifts for donors.
We hope you can see your way to donating. All funds are used well and we have no paid staff. Feel free to   let us know if you want your donations to go toward specific project and also comments and questions are welcome.
For questions, contact peg Swan 608-536-3993 or email me at pgswan3@aol,com
gofundme site: or at our main web:

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  Check out ew blog -under construction: FFUP has been under siege and we are finally finding our way forward. The...