Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Donating and How funds Are spent

Contact us at
Please help us by donating.
Using paypal:

by check or money order:
Make out to :FFUP
29631 Wild Rose Drive
Blue river, Wi 53518
We are a 501c3 non profit . All donations are tax deductible.

Feel free to list exactly what you want your gift used for , and if you want to purchase an item for a prisoner yourself, let me know and I will show you how.

 How funds are spent
We have no paid staff. All moneys go to FFUP projects and prisoners. As it is now, most of FFUP funds come from menbers own funds. We are looking and needing more donations in order to expand projects.

1) Especially popular is FFUP newsletter Bridge of Voices. As prisoners have no internet, this must be printed on paper and sent through the mail as non profit bulk mailing . All is expensive. If you would like to receive an email copy of our newsletter, email

2)our biggest expense is postage and copying. FFUP pays particular attention to indigent prisoners. Many prisoners lose family support after years in prison and have no resources and FFUP buys many of them hygiene items , embossed envelopes, internet glasses(Zenni , starting at around 10 dollars).

3)BOOKS:Also needed is money for books - some are some for specifically requested learning tools for those in general population and many are for those in seg. Although there are many free books to prisoners projects, most of the maximum institutions in WI do not allow these free books in and require books to come from publisher with a receipt. FFUP focuses on these maximum security prisons, where most of the inmates spend most their time. There are very few programs and almost no learning resources here.

 3) Another huge expense is repair of prisoners’ typewriters. This we do on installments, prisoners have no access to word processors and the typewriters they must buy are very expensive, making their repair mandatory. Carpal tunnel syndrom is rampant in the prison as most prisoner must write everything by hand. We need a fund to buy new typewriters for prisoners. A purchase of a tv would help some mentally ill prisoners stuck in solitary.

4) We have an ongoing legal network fund where we provide postage and copying for prisoners who are trying to prove theiir innocence or litigate against prison abuse. We have a few prisoners working with us who know the law well and guide the new litigants. FFUP supplies online law guides when possible ( free and legal to copy, expensive on paper and ink) , postage and copying . Because the "legal route" was discontinues. the need for stamps has skyrocketed. "Legal route" was where inmates in the same prison could send each other mail without paying poatsge.  With this prisoners could help each other without incurring great expense. As so many of these piroinsers are indigent, the stoppage of "legal route" is a major hardship and FFUP is trying to help many who would otherwise not be able to get any aid  but we fell this legal route stoppage creates a major obstacle to inmates' ability to accesss the courts.

5)Maintainance: Non profit fees, paper, printer supplies, phone .. we have just recieved donations for a printer and laptop. Toner is especially expensive.

 Time: Most needed is help with facebook maintainance. Founder and grunt FFUP worker has no internet at home hence must use library. This give no time for our fledgling facebook. We blieve that facebook could be a great outreach tool A few hours a week would make a lot of difference. Contact FFUP at If you are interested in helping.

Time: Volunteers are needed to help with internet, fundraising projects, and brainstorming. We help prisoners get their voices heard through our blogs, all linked to web There are many ideas for the future and help is welcome on any level.

Please contact FFUP if you are interested in helping or have questions.
All campaigns need helpers .
All ideas welcome.
Send donations to: FFUP; c/o 29631 Wild Rose Drive, Blue River, WI 53518
All are tax deductible
Make checks out to: FFUP ; send to FFUP’c/o Peg Swan, 29631 Wild Rose Drive; Blue River, Wi 53518

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