Wednesday, April 24, 2013

WCEHTP endorsement statement

                                                          Endorsement Statement
      Please fill out this form if you would like to help us build a strong network of concerned citizens, organizations and experts.  Besides groups and individuals to serve on the committee, we also need to attract psychologists, psychiatrists, and legal expert s that would come in at the committee's request to test and reevaluate prisoners of the committee's choosing.
       In this endorsement, we are asking you to state your approval of the general aims of the committee. This is not a commitment to work with us. We will keep you informed of our progress and will later include here a list of organizations and individuals who give their endorsement .

I, ___________________, support   the aims and general outline of the Wisconsin Committee for Ethical and Humane Treatment of Prisoners (WCEHTP).  I also give the core forming group permission to use my name ____ my organizations name____ in their general cover letter in hopes of attracting others to this important work.

(optional) Enter a personal statement here.

Your name, address, phone, email______________________________________________________

organization's(optional)  name; address , phone , email  

sign and date:


Organizations endorsing the proposals as of 12 -7-11:

Michelle Hughes of Disability Rights Wisconsin

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